Weather forecasts from the United Kingdom's national weather and climate service UKMO
This API uses global UKMO Global 10 km weather forecasts and combines them with high-resolution UKV 2 km model for the United Kingdom and Ireland. Information about UKMO weather models is available here. For UKMO Global, values are interpolated from 3-hourly to 1-hourly after 54 hours and from 6-hourly data after 144 hours.
Note: UKMO open-data has an additional delay of 4 hours. The forecast is therefore not as accurate as it could be.
Weather Model | Region | Spatial Resolution | Temporal Resolution | Forecast Length | Update frequency |
UKMO Global | Global | 0.09° (~10 km) | Hourly, 3-hourly after 54 hours, 6-hourly after 144 hours | 7 days | Every 6 hours |
UKMO UKV | UK and Ireland | 2 km | Hourly | 2 days | Every hour |
For a detailed list of all available weather variables please refer to the general Weather Forecast API. Only notable remarks are listed below