Previous Model Runs API

Weather Forecasts from Previous Days to Compare Run-To-Run Performance

Location and Time


By default, we provide forecasts for 7 days, but you can access forecasts for up to 16 days. If you're interested in past weather data, you can use the Past Days feature to access archived forecasts.

Hourly Weather Variables

Temperature (2 m)
Relative Humidity (2 m)
Dewpoint (2 m)
Apparent Temperature
Precipitation (rain + showers + snow)
Weather code
Sealevel Pressure
Surface Pressure
Cloud cover Total
Wind Speed (10 m)
Wind Direction (10 m)


Usage license:

API Response

API URL (Open in new tab or copy this URL into your application)

API Documentation

Weather models constantly churn out updates, each predicting the future at different lead times. Think of Day 0 as latest forecast close to measurements, Day 1 as a glimpse 24 hours back, and Day 2 as a 48-hour rewind. Each day further back forecasts longer into the future and, typically, increases volatility. Data jumps become wilder past Day 6 or 7, highlighting the inherent challenge of long-term forecasting.

This data serves multiple purposes, including answering questions such as "what did yesterday's forecast predict for today?" or by comparing past forecasts with real-time observations, we can assess a forecast's accuracy and volatility. When combined with machine learning techniques, models can be trained specifically to enhance forecasts for the next 2 or 3 days.

The frequency of model updates varies, ranging from hourly to every six hours. For local models with shorter prediction horizons (2-5 days), we naturally have access to a shorter "time machine" of past predictions (2-5 days).

Weather Models Sources: The Previous Runs API uses the same models as available in the general weather forecast API. Please refer to the Forecast API documentation for a list of all weather models and weather variables.

Data Availability: Data is generally available from January 2024 onwards. Exceptions are GFS temperature on 2 metre, which is available from March 2021 and JMA GSM + MSM models which are available from 2018. More data from previous runs can be reconstructed on request (depending on data availability from official sources).