Explore Climate Change on a Local Level with High-Resolution Climate Data
Note: This API call is equivalent to 1844.5 calls because of factors like long time intervals, the number of locations, variables, or models involved.
This API utilizes regional downscaled climate models with up to 20 kilometer resolution from the HighResMip working group, which are part of the IPCC CMIP6 project.
The API offers climate data at a regional, rather than continental, level by downsizing it to a 10 km resolution. This allows for direct comparison of various climate models to identify vulnerable regions to climate change impacts or assessing the impact of climate change on specific sectors, such as agriculture or public health. The reference point used is ERA5-Land, which is accessible through the Historical Weather API.
With typical weather variables in daily resolution data from 1950 to 2050 data allows estimation of common climate parameters like the number of days with temperatures exceeding 30°C or duration and frequency of droughts. Furthermore, daily data enables running of models to predict crop yield, pest infestation, and water balance.
While the data from past and recent years is available, it should not be mistaken for actual measurements, as it serves the purpose of model validation rather than showing actual past weather.
Projections beyond 2050 are highly dependent on different emission scenarios. The high resolution climate models are as close to RCP8.5 as possible within CMIP6. While other models consider different emission scenarios, the variations in these scenarios are less noticeable until 2050. Projections until 2100 are not part of this API.
The climate models available in this API vary in their accuracy and level of uncertainty, and depending on the analysis, some models may be more suitable than others. It is not possible to provide a general recommendation on which model is better. It is recommended to run analyses with multiple models and evaluate their performance afterward.
Climate Model | Origin | Run by | Resolution | Description |
CMCC-CM2-VHR4 | Italy | Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici, Lecce (CMCC) | 30 km | |
FGOALS_f3_H | China | Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing (CAS) | 28 km | Model |
HiRAM_SIT_HR | Taiwan | Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica, Nankang, Taipei (AS-RCEC) | 25 km | |
MRI_AGCM3_2_S | Japan | Meteorological Research Institute, Tsukuba, Ibaraki (MRI) | 20 km | |
EC_Earth3P_HR | Europe | EC-Earth consortium, Rossby Center, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute/SMHI, Norrkoping, Sweden | 29 km | Model |
MPI_ESM1_2_XR | Germany | Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg 20146, Germany | 51 km | Model |
NICAM16_8S | Japan | Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Kanagawa 236-0001, Japan (MIROC) | 31 km | Model |
Some weather variables may not be available in all climate models. Notably, soil moisture is only available in MRI-AGCM3-2-S and EC_Earth3P_HR. Additionally, some models may not provide certain aggregations, such as maximum relative humidity. However, mean relative humidity is generally available. The table below outlines the weather variables that are available in each model:
Model | Temperature | Relative Humidity | Wind | Precipitation | Snowfall, Solar Radiation & Clouds | Soil moisture |
CMCC-CM2-VHR4 | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ |
FGOALS-f3-H | ✅ | ⚠️ | ⚠️ | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ |
HiRAM-SIT-HR | ✅ | ⚠️ | ⚠️ | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ |
MRI-AGCM3-2-S | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
EC_Earth3P_HR | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
MPI_ESM1_2_XR | ✅ | ⚠️ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ |
NICAM16_8S | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ |
The API endpoint /v1/climate allows users to retrieve climate weather data from multiple climate models. To use this endpoint, you can specify a geographical coordinate, a time interval, and a list of weather variables that they are interested in. It is recommended to use the full time range of 1950 to 2050.
All URL parameters are listed below:
Parameter | Format | Required | Default | Description |
latitude longitude | Floating point | Yes | Geographical WGS84 coordinates of the location. Multiple coordinates can be comma separated. E.g. &latitude=52.52,48.85&longitude=13.41,2.35. To return data for multiple locations the JSON output changes to a list of structures. CSV and XLSX formats add a column location_id. | |
start_date end_date | String (yyyy-mm-dd) | Yes | The time interval to get weather data. A day must be specified as an ISO8601 date (e.g. 2022-12-31). Data is available from 1950-01-01 until 2050-01-01. | |
models | String array | Yes | A list of climate models separated by comma. 7 climate models are available CMCC_CM2_VHR4, FGOALS_f3_H, HiRAM_SIT_HR MRI_AGCM3_2_S, EC_Earth3P_HR, MPI_ESM1_2_XR, and NICAM16_8S are supported. | |
daily | String array | Yes | A list of daily weather variable aggregations which should be returned. Values can be comma separated, or multiple &daily= parameter in the URL can be used. | |
temperature_unit | String | No | celsius | If fahrenheit is set, all temperature values are converted to Fahrenheit. |
wind_speed_unit | String | No | kmh | Other wind speed speed units: ms, mph and kn |
precipitation_unit | String | No | mm | Other precipitation amount units: inch |
timeformat | String | No | iso8601 | If format unixtime is selected, all time values are returned in UNIX epoch time in seconds. Please note that all time is then in GMT+0! For daily values with unix timestamp, please apply utc_offset_seconds again to get the correct date. |
disable_bias_correction | Bool | No | false | Setting disable_bias_correction to true disables statistical downscaling and bias correction onto ERA5-Land. By default, all data is corrected using linear bias correction, and coefficients have been calculated for each month over a 50-year time series. The climate change signal is not affected by linear bias correction. |
cell_selection | String | No | land | Set a preference how grid-cells are selected. The default land finds a suitable grid-cell on land with similar elevation to the requested coordinates using a 90-meter digital elevation model. sea prefers grid-cells on sea. nearest selects the nearest possible grid-cell. |
apikey | String | No | Only required to commercial use to access reserved API resources for customers. The server URL requires the prefix customer-. See pricing for more information. |
Additional optional URL parameters may be added. For API stability, no required parameters will be added in the future!
The climate data in this API is presented as daily aggregations. Multiple weather variables can be retrieved at once. The parameter &daily= accepts the following values as comma separated list:
Variable | Unit | Description |
temperature_2m_max temperature_2m_min temperature_2m_mean | °C (°F) | Maximum, minimum and mean daily air temperature at 2 meters above ground. Additionally, temperature is downscaled using a 90-meter digital elevation model. Climate models are not perfect, and they have inherent uncertainties and biases that can affect the accuracy of their temperature predictions. However, the temperature anomaly over a long period of time is a good indicator the future Earth's climate. The following paper analyses the robustness of CMIP6 temperature predictions. |
cloud_cover_mean | % | Mean cloud cover on a given day. Cloud cover in climate models is generally represented through simplified parameterizations that estimate the cloud amount, height, and thickness based on atmospheric conditions such as temperature, humidity, and wind speed. These parameterizations have been shown to provide reasonable estimates of global cloud cover but they can have significant uncertainties and biases on regional and local scales. Systematic biases have been corrected using the weather reanalysis ERA5. |
relative_humidity_2m_max relative_humidity_2m_min relative_humidity_2m_mean | % | Maximum, minimum and mean daily relative humidity at 2 meters above ground. While systematic biases in relative humidity have been removed through bias correction, caution should still be exercised when using relative humidity data as raw data shows larger differences between different climate models. |
soil_moisture_0_to_10cm_mean | m³/m³ | Daily mean soil moisture fraction within 0-10 cm. Soil moisture data is only available by MRI_AGCM3_2_S and EC_Earth3P_HR. Due to the limited number of climate models that provide soil moisture data, it is not possible to make a general statement about their accuracy. As a result, it may be advisable to conduct your own water balance modeling. |
precipitation_sum | mm | Sum of daily precipitation (including rain, showers and snowfall). Climate models have been able to capture some of the large-scale patterns of precipitation and associated droughts and extreme precipitation events, particularly over longer time scales. However, there are still uncertainties associated with the representation of precipitation at smaller geographical scales including thunderstorm. Please compare different climate models for drought duration or extreme precipitation events. The following papers analyze extreme precipitation and droughts in CMIP6 models. |
rain_sum | mm | Sum of daily liquid rain, excluding snow. |
snowfall_sum | cm | Sum of daily snowfall. Please note that snowfall data may have larger biases in complex terrain, as it is not adjusted for different terrain elevations. Use this data with caution to estimate how mountainous regions will be effected by reduced snowfall. |
wind_speed_10m_mean wind_speed_10m_max | km/h (mph, m/s, knots) | Mean and maximum wind speed 10 meter above ground on a day. Simulations of winds and pressure systems in climate models are greatly influenced by the resolution used to model the terrain. Without bias correction, wind speed can vary significantly between different climate models, particularly in complex terrain. Although, data is bias corrected with ERA5, it might not accurately represent local conditions. |
pressure_msl_mean | hPa | Daily mean air pressure reduced to mean sea level. |
shortwave_radiation_sum | MJ/m² | The sum of solar radiation on a given day in Megajoules. Shortwave radiation predictions are impacted by aerosols and clouds present in the atmosphere. The future composition of gases in the atmosphere is a key area of study in climate modeling. As there are uncertainties associated with aerosols and clouds, it is important to take these into account when using shortwave radiation data. |
On success a JSON object will be returned.
"latitude": 52.52,
"longitude": 13.419,
"generationtime_ms": 2.2119,
"timezone": "Europe/Berlin",
"timezone_abbreviation": "CEST",
"daily": {
"time": ["2022-07-01", "2022-07-01", "2022-07-01", ...],
"temperature_2m_max": [13, 12.7, 12.7, 12.5, 12.5, 12.8, ...]
"daily_units": {
"temperature_2m": "°C"
Parameter | Format | Description |
latitude, longitude | Floating point | WGS84 of the center of the weather grid-cell which was used to generate this forecast. This coordinate might be a few kilometers away from the requested coordinate. |
generationtime_ms | Floating point | Generation time of the weather forecast in milliseconds. This is mainly used for performance monitoring and improvements. |
utc_offset_seconds | Integer | Applied timezone offset from the &timezone= parameter. |
timezone timezone_abbreviation | String | Timezone identifier (e.g. Europe/Berlin) and abbreviation (e.g. CEST) |
daily | Object | For each selected daily weather variable, data will be returned as a floating point array. Additionally a time array will be returned with ISO8601 timestamps. |
daily_units | Object | For each selected daily weather variable, the unit will be listed here. |
In case an error occurs, for example a URL parameter is not correctly specified, a JSON error object is returned with a HTTP 400 status code.
"error": true,
"reason": "Cannot initialize WeatherVariable from invalid String value tempeture_2m_max for key daily"
CMIP6 model data is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Consult https://pcmdi.llnl.gov/CMIP6/TermsOfUse for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.
All users of Open-Meteo data must provide a clear attribution to the CMIP6 program as well as a reference to Open-Meteo.