Satellite Radiation API

Real-time Solar Irradiance From Multiple Satellites

Location and Time


By default, solar radiation for the current day is returned. If you're interested in past satellite data, you can use the Past Days feature to access archived data.


Note: Solar radiation is averaged over the past hour. Use instant for radiation at the indicated time. For global tilted irradiance GTI please specify Tilt and Azimuth below.

Daily Weather Variables


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API Response

API URL (Open in new tab or copy this URL into your application)

Data Sources

ProviderSatelliteRegionSpatial ResolutionTemporal ResolutionUpdate frequencyDelayArchive since
EUMETSAT LSA SAFMSGEurope, Africa, South America (only land)0.05° (~ 5km)15 minutelyEvery Hour2 Hours2025
IODCEurope, Africa, India (only land)0.05° (~ 5km)15 minutelyEvery Hour2 Hours2025
EUMETSAT CM SAF SARAH3MSGEurope, Africa, South America0.05° (~ 5km)30 minutelyEvery Hour2 Days1983
JMA JAXAHimawari-9India, Asia, Australia, New Zealand0.05° (~ 5km)10 minutelyEvery 10 minutes20 Minutes2022
NASA (not yet available)GOES-EastNorth & South America0.05° (~ 5km)N/AN/AN/AN/A
GOES-WestPacific Ocean & AlaskaN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
Geostationary satellites for solar radiation
Geostationary satellites for solar radiation. Source: NASA.

API Documentation

The Satellite Radiation API integrate solar radiation data from various satellite datasets into a single consistent endpoint. Different geostationary satellites are used to provide global coverage.

  • Himawari direct and diffuse radiation JMA JAXA provides only shortwave radiation data and does not offer direct or diffuse solar radiation. Open-Meteo applies the separation model from Razo, Müller Witwer to calculate direct radiation from shortwave solar radiation.
  • Instantaneous Values Correction: All satellites provide data as instantaneous values. However, a full Earth scan takes approximately 10–15 minutes. As a result, the top and bottom of each scan have a significant time difference. To ensure comparability with data sources like weather models, OpenMeteo corrects for these scan time differences and derives backward-averaged values.
  • Different temporal resolutions: Data is available in 10, 15 or 30–minutely steps. For compatibility, the API returns 1–hourly data. If you want to access the underlying time resolution, make sure to set "Temporal resolution for hourly data" to "native".

Hourly Parameter Definition

The parameter &hourly= accepts the following values. All data is provided in W/m². Solar radiation parameters are available as either instantaneous values or backward averages over the past hour. If you select 10/15/30-minute data, the backward averages will use the same 10/15/30-minute intervals.

VariableValid timeDescription
shortwave_radiationPreceding hour meanShortwave solar radiation as average of the preceding hour. This is equal to the total global horizontal irradiation. This is equal the sum of direct and diffuse radiation.
diffuse_radiationPreceding hour meanDiffuse solar radiation as average of the preceding hour
direct_radiationPreceding hour meanDirect solar radiation as average of the preceding hour on the horizontal plane.
direct_normal_irradiancePreceding hour meanDirect solar radiation as average of the preceding hour on the normal plane (perpendicular to the sun). Often denoted DNI.
global_tilted_irradiancePreceding hour meanTotal radiation received on a tilted pane as average of the preceding hour. The calculation is assuming a fixed albedo of 20% and in isotropic sky. Please specify tilt and azimuth parameter. Tilt ranges from 0° to 90° and is typically around 45°. Azimuth should be close to 0° (0° south, -90° east, 90° west). If azimuth is set to "nan", the calculation assumes a horizontal tracker. If tilt is set to "nan", it is assumed that the panel has a vertical tracker. If both are set to "nan", a bi-axial tracker is assumed.
terrestrial_radiationPreceding hour meanThe solar radiation at the top of the atmosphere, unaffected by clouds or aerosols. It is purely calculated using the solar position factor multiplied by the solar constant of 1367.7 W/m². This differs from clear sky radiation, which accounts for aerosols but not clouds.
*_instantInstantAll solar radiation parameters can be converted to instantaneous values by integrating the solar zenith angle. Instantaneous values are useful for comparing data with local measurements. However, for energy calculations or comparisons with numerical weather models, backward-averaged data is recommended.