Geocoding API

Search locations globally in any language

Search for cities or postal code

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API Documentation

The API endpoint accepts a search term and returns a list of matching locations. URL parameters are listed below:

Parameter Format Required Default Description
name String Yes String to search for. An empty string or only 1 character will return an empty result. 2 characters will only match exact matching locations. 3 and more characters will perform fuzzy matching. The search string can be a location name or a postal code.
count Integer No 10 The number of search results to return. Up to 100 results can be retrieved.
format String No json By default, results are returned as JSON. Alternatively, protobuf is supported for more efficient encoding and transfer. The .proto file to decode the protobuf message is available in the geocoding GitHub repository.
language String No en Return translated results, if available, otherwise return english or the native location name. Lower-cased.
apikey String No Only required to commercial use to access reserved API resources for customers. The server URL requires the prefix customer-. See pricing for more information.

Additional optional URL parameters will be added. For API stability, no required parameters will be added in the future!

JSON Return Object

On success a JSON object will be returned. Empty fields are not returned. E.g. admin4 will be missing if no fourth administrative level is available.


  "results": [
      "id": 2950159,
      "name": "Berlin",
      "latitude": 52.52437,
      "longitude": 13.41053,
      "elevation": 74.0,
      "feature_code": "PPLC",
      "country_code": "DE",
      "admin1_id": 2950157,
      "admin2_id": 0,
      "admin3_id": 6547383,
      "admin4_id": 6547539,
      "timezone": "Europe/Berlin",
      "population": 3426354,
      "postcodes": [
      "country_id": 2921044,
      "country": "Deutschland",
      "admin1": "Berlin",
      "admin2": "",
      "admin3": "Berlin, Stadt",
      "admin4": "Berlin"

Parameter Format Description
id Integer Unique ID for this location
name String Location name. Localized following the &language= parameter, if possible
latitude, longitude Floating point Geographical WGS84 coordinates of this location
elevation Floating point Elevation above mean sea level of this location
timezone String Time zone using time zone database definitions
feature_code String Type of this location. Following the GeoNames feature_code definition
country_code String 2-Character FIPS country code. E.g. DE for Germany
country String Country name. Localized following the &language= parameter, if possible
country_id Integer Unique ID for this country
population Integer Number of inhabitants
postcodes String array List of postcodes for this location
admin1, admin2, admin3, admin4 String Name of hierarchical administrative areas this location resides in. Admin1 is the first administrative level. Admin2 the second administrative level. Localized following the &language= parameter, if possible
admin1_id, admin2_id, admin3_id, admin4_id Integer Unique IDs for the administrative areas
*Note: All IDs can be can be resolved via the API endpoint


In case an error occurs, for example a URL parameter is not correctly specified, a JSON error object is returned with a HTTP 400 status code.


  "error": true,
  "reason": "Parameter count must be between 1 and 100."

